Landing page: A Proven method to increase your ROI

Landing page: A Proven method to increase your ROI

At some point in your life, you would have clicked on an advertisement and landed on a webpage which is called a landing page, that asks you to fill in your interest or purchase a product/ service.  In this blog post, we shall discuss various topics on the landing pages.

Landing Page vs Website vs Home Page:

Let’s consider an analogy of a book. A website is the identity of one’s brand on the world wide web (www). The website has everything about the brand, origin, mission, etc. So in the analogy, the website becomes the book. The homepage, however, has snippets of everything and also navigation links to the web pages. Therefore the homepage is the front cover page and table of contents. But do you know what people read the most when considering buying a book?


“The back cover of a book.”


Authors use the back cover to write the epilogue and cite the best reviews. The back cover leaves a strong impression and helps the book to get picked or purchased. Often, this page serves the same purpose.


A landing page is a web page which might or might not be a part of a website, that persuades the target audience to subscribe to a service, like newsletters, or buy a product. It is a lead generation technique through which the website owners can collect user data with their c.onsent. Unlike a website, this page is just a single page focused on serving a certain purpose.

More often than not, a landing page has a call to action (CTA). The content on the landing page shall strictly focus on increasing the clicks on the CTA. The analytics of the users clicking on the CTA will be available on the dashboard of the landing page software provider.

Why is landing page important?

Just as the back cover to any author, a landing paper is very important to any business. The Return on investment (ROI) is much higher with the landing page technique than any other lead generation technique. Therefore you must understand how to use it effectively.


An effective landing page will always have these four elements “Attract, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA)”. A great title/ subject line or headline attracts the attention of the users and various elements like benefits, services offered, and unique selling propositions (USPs) are collated under the title/headline to create interest in users. Companies often use testimonials to create the desire using the halo effect. At the end is a CTA.


There are several other benefits of a landing page:

  • Know more about your target audience: You can do A/B testing in the segment and through the results, you can know what type of designs or ad copies their target audience like most.
  • Grow your community: Landing pages can help you increase subscribers.
  • Increase brand awareness: They can help you create a strong perception of your brand in the users’ minds. As they always say, First impression is the best impression.

 Which type is the best ?

As I mentioned earlier, a landing page serves a single purpose. But to achieve multiple objectives, one needs to create different types of landing pages. Here is a list of a few types of landing pages.

  • Lead generation pages:

    The lead generation pages persuade the users to fill in their data and make it easy for businesses to reach out to them. These pages are the first step in the relationship between the users and the company and often reward the users for filling up the form with an e-book or a free trial. The data can provide deep insights into the target audience. Insights from the data can help a company focus their marketing campaigns and increase the ROI. Following steps include lead nurturing via regular newsletters, promotional offers etc.

  • Click-through page:

    The purpose of the click-through page is to create/ increase brand awareness. The CTA points to the website’s home page, engaging content, and sometimes directly to the basket page, where the customers are just one click away from a purchase. This page does not focus on collecting any data. Therefore it should never be used as the first point of contact by a business that focuses on lead nurturing.

  • Sales page:

    This page has a single aim “to sell”. The sales pages work great during the middle and end stages of the sales funnel. There is a minimal chance of conversions through a sales page in the early stages. These pages are very difficult to create as they focus on building “desire” among the audience. Extraordinary testimonials can do the job but how often does a company get one?

  • Infomercials:

    These serve as the relation builders. An infomercial is long, adding a lot of context to the relationship between the users and the company. Infomercials share a lot of knowledge, focus on connecting emotionally with the users to retain them for a long time, and do not need any occasion to be sent. They need to have a compelling headline to attract users and make them read the whole long story.

To decide which of them is best is not an easy task. All these pages serve different purposes and none is better than the other. So, companies select the ones that suit their marketing strategy the most and use the


How much does it cost to build one?

Whether you own a website or not, building a landing page costs you absolutely nothing. If you own a website that uses coding, you should be able to create it yourself. If you own a WordPress /no-code website or don’t have one, you can always use these free tools to create a landing page.

  1. ConverKit –
  2. Hubspot –
  3. MailChimp –
  4. Wix –
  5. –

The order does not signify any ranking. I like the ConvertKit UI the most. The rest three are very well-known landing page builders. is a tool that I discovered very recently that offers a lot of options for free.

How to build a landing page?

CovertKit’s UI is very simple and easy to understand and use. I personally like it the most. So let’s start building a Landing page on ConverKit.

Firstly, create a free account and login into your account and continue to the header and click on Grow tab and click on landing pages and forms section.

Landing page building on convertkit

Click on create new and choose a template.

Landing page dashboard on ConvertKit
Landing page choose a template

After choosing a template, it’s very easy to change everything on the page. The images, text, links, background color etc., can always be changed and new blocks can be added. Once the landing page is customized, click on publish to generate a sharable link. The link can be customized if you own a website and embed this page into the website. If not, Bitly is a popular tool that can shorten URLs.

This URL can be used to link to any ad copy or social media. Finally, there you go! You have a landing page created for absolutely no cost. Hurry up and grow faster.

Increase your ROI. The sky is the limit and let’s go!!!!!!!!!

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