How do Search Engines work?: SEO made easy for beginners

How do Search Engines work?: SEO made easy for beginners

If you are reading this, I appreciate your curiosity to learn new things and today, let us talk about the topics listed below:
Search Engine as a Librarian

Definition of a Search Engine:

Search Engine

A search engine is a software designed to match and sort the results from a database/repository based on the search query from the user.

When we hear about a search engine, we remember Google. But in reality, there are many more of them:



  1. Google: 92.08% of the market share
  2. Bing: 2.98%
  3. Yandex: 1.36%
  4. Yahoo: 1.17%
  5. Baidu: 0.94
  6. DuckDuckGo: 0.56%
  1. Google: 92.08% of the market share
  2. Bing: 2.98%
  3. Yandex: 1.36%
  4. Yahoo: 1.17%
  5. Baidu: 0.94
  6. DuckDuckGo: 0.56%
Search Engine Market Share as of July

While we have learnt what a search engine is, we still do not know how it does its job. There are three steps that any search engine follows.

Ranking: what factors affect the ranking of a website?

The librarian now has all the updated information and now he/she has to suggest you the most relevant book. This is the process of Ranking. Most of the websites can successfully get crawled and indexed easily. The vital part is increasing traffic to your website is highly dependent on your position on the SERPs. 

To suggest the best book, the librarian shall consider relevance, reviews, number of readings etc. The librarian might have created a formula based on all these parameters to create a ranking order. Similarly, all search engines have created algorithms that have evolved to serve the user’s needs the best. The algorithms consider several factors like Technical SEO, On-page SEO and Off-page SEO. We will soon talk about all these topics in detail, but for now, let’s discuss a few basic metrics measured by search engines.

Relevance: Search engines always strive to match the results with the exact user query. If multiple websites or web pages match the search query, then it will consider other metrics.

Engagement: The engagement metrics include click-through rate (CTR), time spent on the website, Bounce rate: meaning visiting only 1 page and leaving, etc. Focus on good content and the users will love it!! As they always say, Content is King. Don’t fool your users and search engines. Both of them hate it!!!!!!

Link Juice: Link juice is the number of times a text points to a web page. You can link a text on a blog page to the home page on your website and these links are called internal links. There can also be some other websites which point to your website and these links are called backlinks.

Link Authority: You can get backlinks from multiple sources but are the sources genuine and good? Link authority is like the genuineness of a website and a website with backlinks from genuine websites has high link authority.

link building: link, hyperlinks, website-

Here we are at the end! I hope you understood how the search engine works and also the various steps and factors related to it. In the coming blogs, we will talk more about SEO techniques and how to use them.

So, stay tuned!!!!

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